黑膏药机特点 该机具有性能稳定,操做简便,外观轻巧,重量轻,占地面积小,环保卫生,滩涂过程中无烟尘污染,无废料产生,自动化及生产效率高等特点。 The machine has the characteristics of stable performance, simple operation, light appearance, light weight, small floor area, environmental sanitation, no dust pollution, no waste generation, automation and high production efficiency in the process of beach. 黑膏药机设计要求 黑药膏机分成落料装置、冲压成型装置、包装、剪断、传带运送四个基本装置组成,整个生产线全过程自动化,速度快,精度准确,一部到位,省时省成本,既提高产量又省人工。黑药膏机的落料采用定量泵定量法,将一定量的药膏通过针活塞的运动作用进入落料管,成型包装则利用针凸轮的运动轨迹特征,配合传带传输药膏的速度制作凸轮机构,用冲压方法使之成型,剪断,传送带传送整个过程。 The black plaster machine into blanking device, stamping device, packaging, cutting, transmission belt transporting four basic units, the whole production line automation of the whole process, fast, accurate, no need to adjust the empty, a place, saving time and cost, increase yield and save labor. The black plaster machine blanking by quantitative pump quantitative method, a certain amount of ointment by the movement of the needle piston into the feed pipe, forming packaging use trajectory characteristics of cam, cam mechanism with belt transmission ointment rate of production, molding, stamping method used to make final cut, whole conveyor process.