膏药机是膏药制作加工机器系列的统称 膏药机是膏药制作加工机器系列的统称,泛指和膏药制做相关的机器设备,其原理是通过一个加热装置把固态的膏药胶块加热熔化,然后在搅拌罐里和药粉充分混合后被传送装置送到涂胶设备,由涂胶设备把膏药胶涂布于基材上,再由冷却系统或固化系统把基材上成流体的压敏胶固化,经过分切,打孔的程序制成膏药贴。 如何正确揭黑膏药,如何去除黑膏药痕迹 How to properly expose and remove the traces of black plaster: 1、用揭下的膏贴油面或透明胶带反复粘贴留在皮肤上的膏痕,可以清除,这是简单有效的方法。(忌用搓澡巾以防擦伤) 1. The paste marks left on the skin can be removed by repeatedly pasting the removed paste on the oil surface or transparent tape, which is the most simple and effective method. (do not use a washcloth to prevent scratches) 2、用棉签蘸松节油或者家中炒菜用的植物油亦可清除. 2. Dip the cotton swab in turpentine or vegetable oil for cooking at home. 手工制备膏药的不足 手工制备膏药因有以下原因而影响了膏药的生产,其一是劳动强度大;其二是温度(火候)不易掌握,一般是依据多年的实践经验掌握,对经验不足者,操作时易导致溢锅,着火或造成成品质量不稳定;其三是严重污染生产环境。 Manual preparation of plaster affects the production of plaster for the following reasons: first, the labor intensity is high; second, the temperature (temperature) is not easy to grasp, generally based on years of practical experience, for the inexperienced, the operation can easily lead to overflow, ignition or instability of the quality of finished products; third, serious pollution of the production environment.